In our case, you would have to hit your tee shot just 195 yards so you should choose your 3-iron or 5-wood instead of your driver. With a simple bit of calculation, you will be left with an approach shot into the green that you feel really secure with along with your favourite club in your hand. Remember, in order for this to work, you'll need to practice with all your clubs so that you know how far you can comfy hit each club in your bag.
Let your body muscles relax. Allow your brain to mentally focus your shot from the beginning to the completion of this drive. This is easily said, but it takes each person time to understand body relaxation and mental discipline.
Another vital golf tip for a beginner is to receive his grip and position right. This element of the game is very important because it has huge impact on the character of the play. A bad introduction to the nuances of the game of golf can prove detrimental because -"old habits die hard".
ì¼ë³¸ì•¼êµ¬ì¤‘계 may not believe me, but you can ask the expert golfers and get information and real stories of how well the newer golf clubs operate and how these clubs have helped improve their handicap.
ì¼ë³¸ì•¼êµ¬ì¤‘계 is that golf is a complex sport. You have 14 pieces of individual equipment (golf clubs) which is about 12 more than any other sport in existence. Eventually it would be wonderful to learn how to hit all them efficiently, but as a beginner, you should really concentrate on becoming proficient with 4 or 5 and I will get into that a little later.
Also, it is important to take into account the club an extension of the arms and hands so you don't have to think when addressing the ball. There will be some bend in the elbows but this should stiffen through the bottom of the swing. Loosen up and let centrifugal force straighten your arms while holding the club with as much tension as though you are trying to crack a whip. Have a couple of practice swings across the ball to see how well you hold the club and then hit it.